A Photowalk with Butterflies at Ovalekar Wadi

This was one of the first series of shoots done by me immediately after having purchased my very first DSLR. After several hundred shots across three different locations – Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Ovalekar Wadi and Mahim Nature Park – I managed to extract some decent pics for this photo-blog.

I must admit that shooting a butterfly isn’t really easy, with it flitting around randomly and settling down on flowers occasionally to give you the perfect shot…that too only if your lens is at the right angle and close enough to it. The best part of going after “Buttus” (as I refer to them) with your lens is that it helps cultivate and develop patience which is so very essential in wildlife photography. And yes, you also get to enhance your knowledge…like I did. Did you ever know the difference between Butterflies, Skippers and Moths? And what about the butterfly effect? Go Google it now!

Common Castor Butterfly
Common Castor Butterfly

Common Bush Brown Butterfly
Common Bush Brown Butterfly

Blue Tiger Butterfly
Blue Tiger Butterfly

Grass Demon Skipper
Grass Demon Skipper

Common Crow Butterfly
Common Crow Butterfly

Peacock Pansy Butterfly
Peacock Pansy Butterfly

Orange Oak Leaf Butterfly
Orange Oak Leaf Butterfly

Common Tiger Butterfly
Common Tiger Butterfly

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